Faecal Incontinence
Faecal incontinence is a very distressing symptom, and not surprisingly patients are often reluctant to discuss this problem. I try to put patients at ease as far as possible, but am very aware it is difficult and distressing condition to discuss. However, there are a range of treatments available, and often simple measures such as firming up the stool, pelvic floor exercises and physiotherapy, will make a significant difference. Various investigations including anorectal physiotherapy, and an endoanal ultrasound may be recommended. Other treatments include bulking injections, percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation (PTNS), and sacral nerve stimulation which is performed at St Peter's Hospital.
For more information:
Obstructive Defaecation
This is a condition where patients find it difficult to open their bowels. Whilst this can be due to constipation, there are a range of anatomical conditions affecting the rectum which can lead to these problems. Other symptoms include tenesmus (the sensation of needing to go), urgency, and incomplete evacuation. Investigations will often include a flexible sigmoidoscopy, and defaecating proctogram, and a range of treatments are available, depending on the underlying cause. Physiotherapy is often recommended in the first instance.
Rectal prolapse can affect patients of any age, and is usually treated with surgery. Operations can be performed via the perineum or laparoscopically.
The pelvic floor society website has a lot of information for patients on pelvic floor conditions, investigations, and treatments:
And there is an App that can help you with those critical pelvic floor exercises!